Thursday, June 30, 2016

Substitution Night Shuroh In Tarawih Prayer

Tarawih prayer is sunnah prayers muakkad conducted in the month of Ramadan for 30 days. Lail qiyamul tarawih prayer is done after evening prayers in congregation and done, if someone has to do individually or munfarid but may also be more afdhol sunnah friend if performed in congregation. 

During Ramadan Muslims fast during the day and praying tarawih in even the next, it is worship that is likened to each other two pairs. Working tarawih prayer amounted to 20 cycles to 2 cycles 1 greeting and closed with prayer witr 3 cycles. As Ramadan enters 15th day then there is nothing interesting in the tarawih prayer on the night of 16 Ramadan, which is called Eve shuroh of shuroh Al Ikhlas which is always read in cycles to 2 per tarawih prayer be shuroh Al qodar in every rak first on prayer tarawih (night 1-15 Ramadhan = Shuroh Al Ikhlas, night 16-29 Ramadhan = Shuroh Al qodar). 

On the eve of the turn shuroh in a suburb of Jakarta pristine Betawi always held a celebration to bring a dish of food and beverages and iconic is the Ketupat Vegetables. Various types of food and the diamond brought by worshipers to the mosque to be enjoyed together after prayed by local religious leaders. In addition to the end of the turn shuroh prayer Witr prayer priest read prayers Qunut and most people call it a night qunut or more popular with the evening turn shuroh and signifies that the tithe has begun to be issued and given to those who deserve it.


In addition to the end of the turn shuroh prayer Witr prayer priest read prayers Qunut and most people call it a night qunut or more popular with the evening turn shuroh and signifies that the tithe has begun to be issued and given to those who deserve it.

In addition to the end of the turn shuroh prayer Witr prayer priest read prayers Qunut and most people call it a night qunut or more popular with the evening turn shuroh and signifies that the tithe has begun to be issued and given to those who deserve it.

Maybe the question for you readers of this article that is why such work is done by people, particularly in the suburbs of Jakarta? The answer is that traditions and customs that have been passed down customs and traditions are carried out so that became law in society. Togetherness be one small reason why these activities are still carried out today. In the midst of urban life and modern sparkle still tradition-laden religious elements who still continue to be implemented. Qunut or Eve shuroh will continue to be implemented by the outskirts of Betawi people as part of a law already in force.

May it continue to do until the next generation as a form of Islamic culture in the modern suburbs of Jakarta.

Hopefully this information useful, and thanks for reading.

Gadget Addiction

Today's digital era, where the distance is not an obstacle and constraint that are meaningful to humans. Human activity is done in every field of work brings great influence to the effects of time and the work is accomplished. It may be 14 hours worked is less moreover only 9 hours which is the standard time for workers in Indonesia. Incredible rush hour brings people need tools to help you work more effectively and quickly done. Not a personal computer or a portable computer, but the tool is simple, small, sophisticated and exceed the capabilities of a computer.

Who does not have a smart phone ??? This is a powerful tool that exceeds the ability of a portable computer. Initially this tool was created only as a mobile communication device or a so-called mobile phones but as the times changed its function into a multifunctional gadgets that can accompany humans anytime, anywhere and any time.

In peciptaannya not realize that these gadgets bring enormous positive impact also brought tremendous negative impact. I will not discuss about the positive impact because it was the original purpose of the creation of the gadget is to help people but I will describe one of the negative impact of the gadget is "ADDICTION GADGET".

Gadget addiction is a new disease in humans caused by either the gadget smart phones, tablets and others. This disease can be transmitted to other users of the gadget. The characteristics of kecaduan gadget is as follows:

1. Can not live without gadgets, although only 5 minutes
2. Always look at the contents of gadgets but does not have a data package
3. "troubled" high stress if it runs out of packets or gadget you exhausted battery
4. Feel more important gadget of the spouse or family member
5. More comfortable chatting with gadgets than speaking directly
6. Where do always accompanied gadget even to the toilet

If you experience one or more of the characteristics of the above then you are likely to experience gadget addiction. And a powerful way to avoid addiction gadget is coming to a psychiatrist or psychologist to ask potions and powerful drugs.

I hope this information is useful to you, thanks for reading.