Monday, July 25, 2016


Kelas : XI Teknik Komputer Jaringan
Nama Siswa
Tempat PSG
Guru Pembimbing
Muhamad Aqsal
1. Kejaksaan Agung RI
Kamaludin Mustofa, A.Md
Muhammad Samsul F.
2. PT. Akronin Englering Manggala Pesanggarahan Bintaro
Muhamad Hilal
3. Universitas Mercu Buana
Sofa Abdul Wahab

Muhamad Fikri Haris

Ayub Junianus
Kelompok 2
1. TVRI Jakarta
Dian Ayu P, S.Pd
Syam El Bahtera
2. Universitas Budi Luhur Petukangan Jakarta Selatan
Adelia Dewi S.
3. STIE Bhakti Pembangunan
Muhamad Andri Z

Febriansyah Pratama

Dimas Raka Pamungkas
Kelompok 3
1. Bank Syariah Harta Insan Karimah Kreo Larangan  Telp. (021) 7301456
Syafrudin Yahya, S.Pd
Diki Husni Jauhari
2. PT. Smailing Tour & Travel Service Jakarta Telp. (021) 29220000
Michael Arizona
3. PT. PLN (Persero) Pusat Jakarta Selatan Telp. (021) 7251234
Rendy Vickriansyah

Zulfikar Nur Thorekot

Ibrahim Fajar Nur Alam
Kelompok 4
1. PT. Bolt Kota Tangerang
Hadijah, S.Pd
M. Rizaldi
2. PT. Carrefour Lebak Bulus       Jakarta Selatan
Julio Gotama
3. Bank BTN Ciledug Kota           Tangerang
Dimas Sezar R.

Aris Munandar
Kelompok 5
1. Universitas Budi Luhur Petukangan Jakarta Selatan
Rini Puspitawati, S.Pd
Galih Aji
2. PT. Telkom Slipi Jakarta           Barat
Eldri Irawan
3. Kantor Pajak
M. Fajri Saputra

Anggun Budihani

M. Reihan
Kelompok 6
1. PT. PLN (Persero) Pusat         Jakarta Selatan
Drs. M. Shiddik
Rizky Hadi Pratama
2. PT. Telkom Slipi Jakarta           Barat
M. Al Vadrian
3. AMG Pesanggarahan               Jakarta Selatan
Ahmad Syaiful

Muhamad Rofi Udin

M. Rendi Oktora
Kelompok 7
1. PT. PLN Bulungan
Yuni Ahmad Ridwan, S.Ag
Khoirul Falah
2. Gandaria Mall Jakarta               Selatan
Syarif Hidayatullah
3. Graha Telkom BSD Serpong Tangerang Selatan

Ruri Pratiwi

Ricky Septian
Kelompok 8
1. Kantor Pajak
Juni Abdillah, S.Pd
Rafli Alfiansyah
2. Bank BRI Cabang Ciledug Kreo Kota Tangerang
3. Plaza Telkom Ciledug Kota       Tangerang
Erlis Priyanti

Wisnu Murti

Jakarta,   18 Mei 2016
Ka. Program TKJ
Juni Abdillah, S.Pd

Sunday, July 24, 2016


In the era of the times filled with sophisticated information and communication technologies of human behavior to deteriorate in terms of good morals and manners. Demoralization is evidenced by behaviors that are reflected in the attitudes, behavior, speech, dress and mindset. If we examine in depth, it will raise the question of our minds, why increasingly degenerate morals and behavior of young people in this age ?, if they are not educated ?, or are they not in school ?. Those questions seemed to illustrate that demoralization has reached alarming levels which if ignored can continuously destroy the country and the nation.

Much of the literature which describes about the virtues of morality before studied both from the standpoint of science and religion. And it all becomes the premise that the main character is a thing before humans studied. But in fact different from that of daily life. We often see a person's character and behavior is sometimes far from both categories and karimah. As an illustration of the need to specify a few places where morals and behavior are not implemented properly.

Home environment
The house is one of the places where one learns the character for the first time. Lessons derived from both parents with a pilot technique. Parents give examples to their children's behavior and character of the actions and attitudes are done by them. Behavior and character portrayed by parents then automatically be replicated and eventually became one part of the adoption by the morals of the child. Examples are imitated by the child are taking on the role of attitude and character of the mother as household managers. Mothers who spend more time at home to be an example that greatly affects a child's development, good attitude, behavior, mental, and spiritual education. There is a term which says that "Mother was the first school" before the child enters the formal education sector in formal educational institutions. Today many examples of cases that occur are children kill his own mother, father or son killed himself and vice versa. There are also cases of domestic violence either to spouses or children. This is an example of severe cases caused by the morals and behavior are not upheld and applied. In addition, many cases of violation of morals and behavior in small scale as against the elderly, denied, disrespect or lack of manners, harsh words and other misconduct committed child to parents.

School environment
School is a place of education for a child, the school is a formal educational institutions inculcate good character and behavior for a child. In addition to birth parents no third parent to be a parent at the same place to gain knowledge that is teacher. Teachers are the parents of the third for a person who should be treated the same as birth parents in general. Teachers educate and teach students with patience and with all the challenges faced. As a place to gain knowledge, it is proper school is a place of investment to students of good character and behavior, and social interaction that occurs between teacher and pupil. But in fact in violation of school many attitudes, behavior and morals that happened that was not expected by the teacher to pupil. Morals are not praiseworthy pupil to teacher is doing indecency, against the teacher, and the teacher considers as ordinary people like close friends which resulted in attitudes and behavior was equated.

Each person must have its own assessment with regard to morals and behavior, but the behavior is commendable and good morals necessarily everyone agreed without having given indicator, because the behavior and good character is measured with a conscience and conscience is an element of divinity in man which always correct.

Reprehensible morals will bring damage and loss, especially for myself. Praiseworthy morals will make life run with harmonious, consistent, and sustainable. Just imagine, if someone highly knowledgeable and has great ability and outstanding in every way but besides that morals and behaviors that are owned reprehensible and bad, it could have the knowledge and capabilities used to harm humans, against nature, and destroys the world , because that is the main learning more character before man studied.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Civic education is one of the compulsory subjects in which students learn the basic level, medium to the college. These subjects are aligned with religious education lessons oriented behavior and character of man as God's creatures. Government efforts to inculcate nationalism and national vision outlined in the concept of objective thinking in civic education. Destination country and the laws of sovereignty also be an important theme being studied. The role of civic education to be one way to enhance the spirit of nationalism in the midst of adversity for love of the homeland. Moral and moral crisis among the nation more widespread, corrupt and dishonest behavior be conducted daily attitude. For that this lesson will continue to be given to the children of the nation in order to understand the state, the nation, and its own history and not the important thing is that civic education is an effort to cultivate back character of the nation. National character that has been eroded by the entry of the cultural assimilation of external and national character that has faded because of the crisis due to the moral and character education are narrow and as a result of the loss of the identity of the nation.

Here the role of civic education on the formation of national character:

1.  Education citizenship as an effort to improve the spirit of nationalism
   In an effort to instill a spirit of nationalism within civic education provides a thorough input. Nationalism is the love of the homeland as outlined in shape attitudes and actions. In the midst of modern life is the nationalism of the nation has begun to fade as a result of the association and pattern-paced life of modern society respectively.

   Nationalism could be lost in a person if the strengthening of the national character through citizenship education is not provided. Nationalism is the basis for the primary to be held by the nation's children. On the basis of nationalism, the people of a country or nation can build the country's sovereignty and the country's progress with ease. The spirit of nationalism can arise from internal and external impetus. Internal impetus arising from the experiences gained with regard to the national question, for example: someone will arise love for his homeland when his country insulted or abused the spirit of nationalism will arise and overflowing. While the external drive can be done by forming nationalism through military activities, seminars nationality, country comparative studies, and look at the history of his country.

    External drive is the implementation of citizenship education as a form or an attempt to boost the spirit of nationalism. This material becomes mandatory given early to the children of the nation as a preventative and filter from loss of a sense of nationalism as a result of assimilation and narrow knowledge about their own country. If the sense of nationalism in a person already growing, growing and stable then the nation's character is formed and progress in all things can be achieved.

2.  Citizenship education as planting container moral and good manners
    Morale is one of the important things that should be owned by everyone, if the man has no moral then automatically he did not have the attitude, ethics, morals and good character. Morale is very closely related to the emotional and spiritual intelligence, moral determining whether to accept a person in every people, both in the family, community, country and the outside world. Moral based on the character and personality of each individual human being.

    The role of civic education as the cultivation of morality in human beings can not be separated from the cultural, social and religious. The norms that apply can be signposts for nations to behave so as not to act arbitrarily. Civic education give a touch gently with an overview and limits to humans, a reference to violation of norms not only be sanctioned by law or regulation but also sanctions in psychology so that give a clear picture of the basic conscience before man committing violations of norms resulting in unscrupulous labeling. Virtue is one of the characteristics of the nation of character and integrity compete amid strong in the era of globalization.

3.  Citizenship education as political education early
    Political education also we can get through the material taught civic education at primary school level, secondary and higher education. Materials democracy we can get and we can apply through the organization in a small scope. Not only that, the political culture of polite also we can learn from the histories of political figures earlier. Political material presented in the thesis and anti-thesis that the ability to analyze and think we are growing.

    Fundamentals of political given that can be embedded in attitude, not to the people or the nation antipathy or hatred towards politics both tactically and practically. Citizenship education as political education efforts through the basic theories of political drawn from the concept of a democratic political system. Understanding the whole concept of democracy is an important thing to be learned, from the concept of democracy in the hierarchy to the principles of direct, general, free and secret. If political education has been taught manners from an early age politics is no longer expected to be a foreign word or taboo for discussion. Negative impression is still enveloped in a political word, and it requires socializing and break long enough to change the perspective of the people to politics.

    If someone is already aware of the politics, the political awareness can be done by following the local elections or president without any coercion or even paid as long as this occurs. Communities will participate to vote in the interest of the nation and to progress together. And again this is a form of national character that must be raised and shaped to be advanced state of political power, because political stability can affect other aspects of the state, such as the economy, security, food and development of a country.

4.  Citizenship education as learning effort against history
    A wise man said, "do not ever forget history", the sentence is short but has a meaning and a deep understanding. One is the role of civic education in terms of teaching history, this is a nation that experience is priceless. Through history we can learn the events that have occurred, and if such events have a negative effect, the important lesson we can take is to avoid such events happening again. There is a common thread of history teaching in civic education with the political lesson is that history is displayed is related to the political history of the founders of the nation.

    History is an important event that should be studied in order to avoid bad events and events that recur either as part of the development of human civilization. Characterless nation is a nation that does not forget its own history as a past that never happened. And history be important in the process of human civilization towards a more civilized nation.

That's four role of civic education as a form of development towards the national character of the civilized and developed in accordance with the times. Citizenship education as a vessel to bring the country towards a noble character to be the only effort that must be done. For any developed country in the absence of the characteristics that it will be destroyed and uncivilized, because the history of human civilization starts from a noble character who is able to bring civilization to become more civilized.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Teenagers are the expression given to those who at the age of 13 to 15 years. Teenage is a phase transition from children to the adult stage with a wide range of social behavior experienced as a normal human growth and development in general. In this phase teenagers trying to figure out their identity by doing things that are positive and negative. Thus the adolescent phase a key indicator of how the future lives that will be undertaken by the person as the early part of the pace of life that will be pursued, whether towards the right path or the wrong path, either traditional, religious, social, cultural and legal apply.

Activities teenager as one of the younger generation of the expectations of parents and the community became the benchmark development level of social order somewhere. In the order of modern society, the role of a teenager taking a position that is quite important, as an example: a teenager became a symbol of the quality of education in one place. Teens also be a tool to measure the progress somewhere in preparing regeneration to fill important positions of office somewhere. If the preparation of youth as future leaders failed somewhere, then lost the hope to be able to build a more advanced civilization somewhere such.

In Indonesia, efforts to prepare the regeneration of teenagers already started to be built from the lowest level, namely the level of RT, RW, district or village. Efforts is to establish a forum adolescent or youth organization whether they are social or religious nature with the vision of unity and prosperity. Some containers teens or youth organizations are:

1. Youth
Youth is a youth organization that is based social community, the goal is simply to appreciate and accommodate all the youth activities that are positive such as warning the great days of national, community service society, social service, environmental safety, education, and all the activities that nuanced social, cultural and civic. Youth formed RW level, village and sub-district with the official bureaucracy structurally and legally to the national level.

2. Activities Adolescents with religious ideology
Society teenagers with basic religious ideology thrives in various regions in Indonesia. Every house of worship that stands in Indonesia has the task as the central religious practices and places of worship. Syiar be a strong rationale for the formation of this association teen activities. Activity is concentrated on events of religious nature such as memorial days of great religious, scientific assessment by discussing it in religious teachings, the capacity of the aspirations of the people, and preaching as the spread of religious teachings.

3.  Community Groups
Community groups dichotomy is formed on the basis of similarity hobby, fun, togetherness and ideals. This activity has a small scope and has two perspectives, both positive and negative. If the community or group activities contrary to custom, law, religion and social behavior that led to more community activity that is harmful and not helpful nothing. Community groups scattered either incorporated or unincorporated. Generally formed on the similarity hobby became a collection of people and calling themselves by a particular community.

In the midst of all modern urban life teen activity continues to exist and more professional in running the organization. All-free teenage life turned out to be one of the most feared social behavior by the parents. You chose the wrong neighborhood association in adolescents become fatal consequences fallen into socially misleading drugs, alcohol, free sexs and crime. While teens are regenerating replacement candidates who will receive the baton from the leaders of today. For that pattern early teenage life can already be directed to activities that are positive and build the nation. Youth today are the future leaders.