Sunday, July 3, 2016


Greed is a trait in which people want to obtain for herself against property. Greed can also be interpreted greedy and the reprehensible nature for harming others. Why harm others? Let us discuss in detail, and I will not discuss it from a religious viewpoint because according to the author in view of religion can no doubt laws against covetous or greedy and as a result of greed in this world and in the hereafter. Many statements Qur'an and Hadith that explains about the greedy please read on other literature.

Why do people get greedy?
Greed in the negative connotation is disgraceful nature that should be avoided by everyone, in a human being there is the potential for greed. Potential greed has two tendencies, the first is the tendency toward greed in both categories and the second potential to greed in the category of bad. Both the potential effect on the human mind is rooted in lust. When a human being tendency toward greed in terms of the greater good of the human being is able to control the desire for something that is property of the foundation of conscience as a major power. And the potential in terms of good greed can be a commendable act he wanted to do constantly and he always felt lacking in good deeds he had done. In the history of human civilization no man competing in terms of human goodness is precisely at this time more would like to receive than to give.

While humans have a tendency more toward greed in terms of ugliness, not only she was not able to resist the desire of his own desires, but there are other factors that are very fundamental, namely a sense of tolerance and compassion that is missing on others, people like that have the nature of what is owned by the pigs.

Why is depicted as a pig?
Because pigs are voracious animal that never satisfied, even if fed as much as anything, pigs eat anything including his own feces. Covetous of course aware and know that what he did was wrong even he is not willing and do not want to if taken his share rights of others, like a pig that knows that it is his own feces but still he eat and eat.

As a result of greed
Greed will cause a variety of losses that will occur in people who do. One of the most fatal consequences occur is a disease. People who do faster greedy brain thought processes, thinking his brain is not doing good. Greedy people trying to find ways to get the parts more than others. All lies and deceit is done to take the rights of others and the extra power required by the brain to think that in order to find measures or ways vile and despicable.

What's wrong with that extra brain power?
Well this is not understood by many people, when we are thinking of doing ugliness then there is one organ in our body which reject of the heart. Hearts will give a signal response that what his brain was wrong and should not be done. And every brain do the thinking process, both positive and negative thoughts then it will be responded by the liver. The response to positive thoughts only 1 signal while the response to a barrage of negative thoughts and reflected many times, even to the work already carried out any signal response hearts are still reflected in the form of remorse and guilt. Signal reflections barrage will bring adverse effects on cardiac, kidney, intestine, stomach and greater impact is the brain as the primary signal receiver that can cause a stroke. Because of the negative responses received by the liver then sinyak also reflected negative.

The second is due to her hurt someone's taken the right parts by a greedy man. Greed someone was certain that he was taking the right part of others in order to share more. And this is very dangerous, why? because of the character and personality of a person is different and of course the greedy else can not expect it, it could have been returned by those who take their rights with crimes such as killed, burned his house, was hit on the road, hurting his family members, terrorized, or the smallest namely “disumpahin” or cursed with ugliness.

How to overcome covetousness
This is the hard part we discuss it, because people are greedy of course know and realize if what he did was wrong and not true but still he did. And ironically, it is also not satisfied if the right parts are taken by others. A surefire way around that is to poison formula must be fought with poison, based on the first statement above, the grasper to be faced with a greedy man anyway (of course you already envisaged in mind what will happen).

Let us keep the reprehensible nature of the greedy, greedy, greedy of ourselves or the rights of others that we do not take up much less we eat and go into our stomach or abdomen our family members. Hopefully this information helpful and thank you for reading.

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